Representativeness and significance factors in ESP texts



How to Cite

Curado Fuentes, A. B. (2000). Representativeness and significance factors in ESP texts. Ibérica, (2), 43–56. Retrieved from


The devel opm ent of co m mu n i c a tive approa ches and stra tegies in spe ci a l i zed discou rse has led to revising notions of repre sen t a tive and significant language . Pa rti c u l a rly in the wo rk with academic gen re s , in sci en ce and te ch n ol o gy (EST) set ti n gs su ch as ou r own insti tu ti o n , the need for determining these facto rs is ever growi n g . The appl i c a ti o n of em p i rical re sou rces su ch as spe cific language co rpo ra , in fact , be comes co nven i en t . In this pa per, the aim is to spe cify the type of co rpus linguistic repre sen t a tiveness and s i gn i f i c a n ce sou ght in the case of te a ching En glish to our groups of Co m pu ter Sci en ce s tu d en t s . In that scope , we pre sent data and samples on wh i ch to ba se our su gge s ti o n s and claims rega rding the expl o i t a tion of textual material

Copyright (c) 2000 Alejandro Blas Curado Fuentes

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