Our purpose in this research is to quantitatively analyse how the communication of managerial knowledge is realised in research articles written by experienced writers for publication and those produced by graduate students as a course grade requirement. Specifically, we look at the ways these writers construct their authorial identities (textually conveyed in ‘voice’). To do so, we combine Hyland’s (2008) interactional model of voice with Lehman's (2018) and Lehman and Sułkowski's (2021) conceptualisation of ‘writer identity.’
The study results reveal important differences with regard to the expression of interaction in written discourse, with novices employing more interpersonal features to involve readers and experienced authors making linguistic choices to establish authority in their texts. We show that the use of interpersonal metadiscourse renders academic texts more accessible, reader engaging and interesting. This enables us to work towards the development of more effective writing instruction which is particularly relevant for English for Academic Purposes pedagogy.
Keywords: discourse analysis, management writing, writer identity, reader inclusion
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Copyright (c) 2022 Iga Lehman, Katarzyna Cybulska-Gómez de Celis, Łukasz Sułkowski
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