Using subtitling to improve military esp listening comprehension


english for specific purposes
listening comprehension
audiovisual translation
task-based learning
inglés para fines específicos
comprensión oral
traducción audiovisual
aprendizaje basado en tareas

How to Cite

Fuentes-Luque, A., & Campbell, A. P. (2020). Using subtitling to improve military esp listening comprehension: An experimental study . Ibérica, (40), 245–266. Retrieved from


This article offers new applications on the use of audiovisual translation as a task within the framework of task-based learning and the effect it has on listening comprehension. In addition, it seeks to expand the limited academic information and literature related to the use of subtitling as a language learning tool for students without translation training, specifically within the context of english for the military or english for the security forces. On the other hand, within the area of english for specific purposes, and more specifically english for the military, its aim is to provide the basis for future research within that context for the use of subtitled audiovisual material (both interlingual and intralingual) and audiovisual translation, as well as other audiovisual translation modes such as dubbing and audio description. It also offers a critical review of the use of a virtual learning management system in the provision of authentic audiovisual material and the teaching and subsequent execution of subtitling tasks. The study was carried out in an entirely virtual environment, with the aim of creating a positive impact on the teaching and learning of audiovisual translation, especially in traditional translator training programs, providing a model of how audiovisual translation subjects can be taught in an entirely virtual form, taking advantage of available software applications and encouraging a greater use thereof

Copyright (c) 2020 Adrián Fuentes-Luque, Alan Patrick Campbell

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


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