Individual differences and non-English-majors’ engagement in business English language classrooms in the Chinese university context


Individual differences, engagement, learning outcomes, China’s non-English-majors, business English language classrooms

How to Cite

Xie, Q. (2024). Individual differences and non-English-majors’ engagement in business English language classrooms in the Chinese university context. Ibérica, (47), 149–174.


This study reports an investigative study of individual differences in personality, motivation, challenges, learning styles and strategies, needs and 55 non-English-majors’ engagement in business English language classrooms in a Chinese university, using two-stage surveys. The study finds positive affective factors in personality and motivation, though participants experienced challenges in learning business English vocabulary and improving English skills. Participants used different learning strategies and styles, and required varied helpful strategies for enhancing business English teaching and learning. Participants had high levels of cognitive engagement, behavioral engagement, emotional engagement, enjoyment, focus, and task familiarity in business English learning. Though participants still encountered problems, they reported learning gains in business English vocabulary expansion, improvement in business writing, workplace communication, business knowledge and culture, business reading, problem solving, listening, interest in English and critical thinking skills. This study is providing empirical evidence of individual differences with China’s non-English-major learners in business English learning and how the individual differences relate with engagement and learning outcomes. The study also implies for practice that business English teachers should adapt their teaching approach and strategies to accommodate to individual differences.


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